A Long Weekend

Hi all—as much as I’d like to write something good and deep here this week, I’m not quite sure I’ve got the energy. It’s a weird holiday weekend schedule (who decided to put the 4th on a Tuesday this year!?) and while we don’t have anything planned, it’s still a bit disjointed, especially with that weird workday wedged in there.

But the main reason I’m not up for a real post is that mom was in the hospital again this past Saturday, due to a situation unrelated to her heart. The situation wasn’t emergent–mom was back at the nursing home by the afternoon—and she seemed to be in good spirits according to my aunt, who was able to be with her in the hospital. 

But in the bigger picture, mom’s short visit to the ER could be the beginning of yet another chapter in her health saga, and thanks to the holiday weekend, the upcoming timeline remains unclear. More personally frustrating is that it will likely mean more time for me in Florida coming up soon, although hopefully it won’t be as long a stay. 

My brain likes to churn over things that I can’t change, so obviously my thoughts are circulating around mom’s health. My focus will of course be on making the best choices for her long-term wellbeing, but it may take a circuitous path to get there. In any case, I’m going to pass on a real post this week, and hopefully be back on the 11th with something a little more…well, developed.

Happy Fourth, y’all.

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