It Begins

Hi folks! So yesterday I made a relatively impromptu trip to NYC to visit with some friends from my time at Mizzou. It was an excellent, exhausting day, culminating with me getting off a train and back to my apartment a little after midnight. All told, I walked about 14 miles, and did a whole bunch of New York.

And I’m pooped.

I was going to write something related to Father’s Day this week, but time and energy have both flown the coop, especially with my trip to Ohio coming up later this week. So rather than trying to throw together a post that neither you nor I would enjoy, I’m going to take a pass on posting both this week and next week. I’ll have a lot to say about my New York visit, I imagine, and Ohio might show up in the mix, too.

In any case, I hope y’all manage to stay cool out there, and I’ll see you all shortly!

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