Am I Kenough?

Well, this past week was…interesting. As I wrote last week, my in-laws’ car disappeared the night before they were supposed to leave. They finally made it back to Kansas mid-week and secured a long-term rental car as they shop for a new vehicle while waiting hopefully for the Philadelphia police to call after locating theirContinue reading “Am I Kenough?”

Every Night is Movie Night

I’ll just come out and say it: I’m bored. Oh sure, there’s plenty to do around the house, plenty to keep my attention when dealing with my mom’s health and figuring out her future plans. But none of that does much to alleviate the boredom. If anything, these quotidian tasks only accentuate the boredom I’veContinue reading “Every Night is Movie Night”

Dungeon Mister

The party stands amidst the bodies of their slain enemies, a bloody canyon filled with tiny lizard-like kobolds and their human commanders, cultists bedecked in worn robes and dragon-inspired masks. Doob, the monk with warlock powers, watches the final kobold escape down the path, having failed to hit his quarry with an eldritch blast. TheContinue reading “Dungeon Mister”


A few months ago, I listened to an audiobook entitled The Coroner King and the Country Dentist, by Radley Balko and Tucker Carrington. The book focuses on Dr. Steven Hayne, former medical examiner for the state of Mississippi, as well as his frequent collaborator, Dr. Michael West, a prominent proponent of forensic odontology, better known asContinue reading “Science?”

Is God Still Laughing?

First things first. We did have Chinese food on Christmas Eve. We were going to choose the “fancy” place near us, a chain called Han Dynasty. But due to confusion over whether they were open or not (apparently the internet isn’t perfect, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to talk to someone on theContinue reading “Is God Still Laughing?”

You Make Me Feel Like a Natural 20

It’s impossible to say what first drew me to Dungeons & Dragons. It might have been the vivid ads in the G.I. Joe and Fantastic Four comic books I read growing up, barbarians swinging axes and swords at dragons bursting from the page. Or maybe it was my babysitter Mike, the coolest seventh-grader in theContinue reading “You Make Me Feel Like a Natural 20”

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