Am I Kenough?

Well, this past week was…interesting. As I wrote last week, my in-laws’ car disappeared the night before they were supposed to leave. They finally made it back to Kansas mid-week and secured a long-term rental car as they shop for a new vehicle while waiting hopefully for the Philadelphia police to call after locating theirContinue reading “Am I Kenough?”

Frank’s Guide to Florida

Well, another Christmas has come and gone, and while this one has certainly been memorable, there’s quite a lot of it I’d rather forget. With my mom still in the hospital, my wife and I spent much of our time over the past week driving back and forth to visit, approximately 45 minutes each way.Continue reading “Frank’s Guide to Florida”

Having Light

By the time I finished loading my rented Hyundai Sonata and got on the road, it was just after 6 in the morning. Just after 6:15, the dashboard tire pressure light illuminated the darkness of the Sonata’s cabin. I had just turned onto I-76, the first step of my journey to Ohio, and that meantContinue reading “Having Light”

My Summer Vacation, Part II

This past week, I got back to running in earnest. So naturally I fell on Saturday morning. They say it’s bound to happen to all runners at some point. What makes me feel really stupid is that I fell during warmups. And despite not having actually started running, I managed to mess myself up something good.Continue reading “My Summer Vacation, Part II”

I-76; or, the Road of Perdition

I had a plan.  I really did. I was going to get home, bang out about 1500 words, edit them real quick, and get them on the web for my fan(s) to enjoy. Alas, that didn’t happen, and in large part it’s thanks to the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Here’s some advice that I urge you toContinue reading I-76; or, the Road of Perdition

There Should Not Be Falling Concrete

For the most part, I’d say we’ve been reasonably happy with our apartment here in Philadelphia. As I’ve mentioned before, we were forced to find and lease our new living space essentially sight unseen, an unfortunate result of the COVID pandemic. Somehow, we ended up in the neighborhood we were looking for, in a relativelyContinue reading “There Should Not Be Falling Concrete”

A Day at the Races

Over the past decade, my wife and I have made three significant moves. Beginning in Columbia, MO, we moved to New York City in 2012, then from New York to Baltimore in 2016, and finally from Baltimore to Philadelphia in 2020. With each move, we’ve discovered there’s something of a learning curve to getting toContinue reading “A Day at the Races”

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