Putting the Pieces Together

Well, it’s getting close. My time here in Florida is drawing to a close. There are still a million things that need to get done before I close the book on my extended southern sojourn, but by and large they’re all fairly minor, and each item I cross off my checklist helps me rest aContinue reading “Putting the Pieces Together”

Every Night is Movie Night

I’ll just come out and say it: I’m bored. Oh sure, there’s plenty to do around the house, plenty to keep my attention when dealing with my mom’s health and figuring out her future plans. But none of that does much to alleviate the boredom. If anything, these quotidian tasks only accentuate the boredom I’veContinue reading “Every Night is Movie Night”

On Caregiving

Sometimes, when I’m feelings stressed, I like to watch documentaries. I find the slower pace comforting. You know what the subject is, and there are few twists and turns that, if missed, make the rest of the film unintelligible. And when all is said and done, I usually feel like I learned something. This isContinue reading “On Caregiving”

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