Let’s (Not) Go to the Mall

As late as Sunday morning, I was sure I knew what I was going to write about this week. While it wasn’t the first time this winter the temperature had dipped below freezing, this weekend felt like a turn to real cold, and there was a part of me—an awfully big part, as it turnsContinue reading “Let’s (Not) Go to the Mall”

What Was and What Will Be

After a couple of weeks off, I’m finally back. I’m coming to you this week from Philadelphia, comfortably ensconced in the home office, enjoying a much-needed break from all that is Florida. After the last couple of weeks, I can’t tell you how much I needed it. Except I can, because that’s what this is,Continue reading “What Was and What Will Be”

That’s the (Christmas) Spirit

I bet I’m not alone when I say I’ve loved the Christmas season since I was a child. Sure, when I was younger it was all about the presents—all the trimmings and trappings were a prelude to the glory of Christmas morning, opening presents and reveling in new toys and gifts, many of which wouldContinue reading “That’s the (Christmas) Spirit”

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