Rethinking: Week One

This past Saturday, my wife and I returned to the King of Prussia Mall, and somehow, we survived. Frankly, it was a much better experience than usual, which isn’t all that hard, I suppose, considering the loathing I bear towards KoP. The difference? We came in with a plan, an agenda, and we pursued thatContinue reading “Rethinking: Week One”

Let’s (Not) Go to the Mall

As late as Sunday morning, I was sure I knew what I was going to write about this week. While it wasn’t the first time this winter the temperature had dipped below freezing, this weekend felt like a turn to real cold, and there was a part of me—an awfully big part, as it turnsContinue reading “Let’s (Not) Go to the Mall”

Home Is Where the Home Is

It should be no surprise that a lot of things changed in the days, weeks, and months that followed my mom’s heart attack. As soon as news reached us, we dropped everything and shuttled down to Florida as fast as we could. We packed quickly, our planning limited to the bare essentials we would needContinue reading “Home Is Where the Home Is”

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