Looking Back From the Finish Line

I started writing this blog way back in 2020, just after the world shut down in response to COVID-19. It’s something, then, that as I sit here at the commencement the year 2024, this little hobby of mine is still going, er…strong. Yeah, I’ll go with strong. A lot’s happened over that time, as anyoneContinue reading “Looking Back From the Finish Line”

New Year, (Kinda) New You!

Hi all…I hope you won’t mind, but after last week’s hard-wrung (and extremely long) post, I think I’m going to make this week’s entry a little shorter. I was expecting to feel sad over Dust Bunny’s passing, but that sadness took shapes I was not prepared for, and I find myself looking to regain myContinue reading “New Year, (Kinda) New You!”

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