The Return of the Revenge of Every Night Is Movie Night, Part II: The Squeakquel

Welcome back! This week is my 162nd post, which means I’ve written a full baseball season’s worth of dribble, and you keep coming back. I don’t know whether to thank you or get you help. But seeing as you’re here already, I might as well thank you and move on to the matter at hand. AsContinue reading “The Return of the Revenge of Every Night Is Movie Night, Part II: The Squeakquel”


A few months ago, I listened to an audiobook entitled The Coroner King and the Country Dentist, by Radley Balko and Tucker Carrington. The book focuses on Dr. Steven Hayne, former medical examiner for the state of Mississippi, as well as his frequent collaborator, Dr. Michael West, a prominent proponent of forensic odontology, better known asContinue reading “Science?”

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