Rethinking: Week One

This past Saturday, my wife and I returned to the King of Prussia Mall, and somehow, we survived. Frankly, it was a much better experience than usual, which isn’t all that hard, I suppose, considering the loathing I bear towards KoP. The difference? We came in with a plan, an agenda, and we pursued thatContinue reading “Rethinking: Week One”

Makin’ Them Gains

Well, here we are, entering the fourth week of the new year, and things seem to be going pretty well over here. Well, they’re okay. Better than last year, at least, and isn’t that something we can point to as progress? In case that sounds like I’ve made some kind of New Year’s resolution, IContinue reading “Makin’ Them Gains”

My Body. My Battle.

When I started this blog, I had few expectations beyond writing whatever came into my head. Sometimes it would be funny. Sometimes it would be introspective. Sometimes both. I didn’t know it at the time, but it would also become a conduit for processing grief, from the death of my father and our beloved catContinue reading “My Body. My Battle.”

Good Effort

It’s been almost three weeks since I transitioned back to living full-time in Philly, and while I’m glad to be here, it hasn’t exactly been seamless. There’s nothing serious, mind you. I’m not going out late at night, looking for booze or hard drugs or illegal street races or underground fighting pits. It’s not likeContinue reading “Good Effort”

The Body Issues

It was only about two months ago that I wrote about how the stress of my time in Florida trying to shepherd my mom through her health journey was impacting my body. In short, it only took about four months of binge eating and inactivity to add 20 pounds to my frame while completely deconditioningContinue reading “The Body Issues”

How Much Is Enough?

“Well, I gotta say,” Mike said one night as we were sitting around the table, “Frank and Katie, you guys look terrific.” I’m sure I blushed. They were the words I wanted to hear so badly, more than I’m comfortable admitting. As you may recall, several months ago I posted about my burgeoning weightlifting regimen.Continue reading “How Much Is Enough?”

New Year, (Kinda) New You!

Hi all…I hope you won’t mind, but after last week’s hard-wrung (and extremely long) post, I think I’m going to make this week’s entry a little shorter. I was expecting to feel sad over Dust Bunny’s passing, but that sadness took shapes I was not prepared for, and I find myself looking to regain myContinue reading “New Year, (Kinda) New You!”

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