Hurting is Healthy…Right?

Ouch. I’m in training for another race. This time, it’s Philadelphia’s Broad Street Run, which takes participants along a brisk 10-mile course from the Logan neighborhood of North Philly all the way south to the Navy Yard on the banks of the Delaware. There are no turns: this race is literally along one of theContinue reading “Hurting is Healthy…Right?”

Mud on Our Hands

Well, it’s that time of year again, and of course I mean Daylight Savings Time. I think by now my feelings on the time change have been well established, but just in case you’ve forgotten, I love DST. I love having an extra hour of daylight in the evening, even if it comes at the expense ofContinue reading “Mud on Our Hands”

Touring the Trauma

Well, I’ve been down in Florida for the past two weeks. This trip was longer than my more recent visits for a couple reasons, but the most pressing one is that I was trying to get the roof on mom’s house replaced. Considering it withstood two direct hurricane hits, most recently Hurricane Ian in 2022,Continue reading “Touring the Trauma”

The Answer Is 42

Well, it’s here. This week, I attain the magical age of 42, which according to scriptures means I’ll finally have the answer to life, the universe, and everything. The problem, of course, is that no one knows what the question is. I guess that comes later, because I have no fucking clue. What I doContinue reading “The Answer Is 42”

Feeling Like a Million

For anyone who’s been reading this blog over the last several years, you probably know my wife and I haven’t had the smoothest transition to Philadelphia. We moved mid-pandemic, and by the time the city opened back up, we were already settled into our insular lifestyle. Then my father died and my mom got veryContinue reading “Feeling Like a Million”

Makin’ Them Gains

Well, here we are, entering the fourth week of the new year, and things seem to be going pretty well over here. Well, they’re okay. Better than last year, at least, and isn’t that something we can point to as progress? In case that sounds like I’ve made some kind of New Year’s resolution, IContinue reading “Makin’ Them Gains”

Let’s (Not) Go to the Mall

As late as Sunday morning, I was sure I knew what I was going to write about this week. While it wasn’t the first time this winter the temperature had dipped below freezing, this weekend felt like a turn to real cold, and there was a part of me—an awfully big part, as it turnsContinue reading “Let’s (Not) Go to the Mall”

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