Not All Gazelles

Less than one week until the Broad Street Run, and Saturday’s training was pretty dang good for me: 9.03 miles at an 11:50/mile pace, for a total of nearly one hour and 47 minutes of running. No major muscle issues, no cramps or creaks or potential blowouts. No wishing to die, no feeling like it’sContinue reading “Not All Gazelles”

Having Light

7.62 miles, 11:44 pace.  Now that that’s out of the way… It was a great weekend here in Philly. My wife and I both managed a long run on a beautiful if blustery Saturday morning, and Sunday we got our hands dirty and greened up our back balcony. I love planting in the spring. TheContinue reading “Having Light”

A Season for Impatience

First things first: 7.02 miles at a dead 12-minute pace. Not too shabby. Yeah, that’s a pretty slow pace. But that doesn’t mean my running isn’t progressing smoothly. I ran the whole thing, even the long ramp up from the Schuylkill River Trail to South Street. My feet might have been a little sore, butContinue reading “A Season for Impatience”

Four Years and Counting

Holy shit. It’s been four years since I started writing this blog. Can you believe it? And for those of you whose first instinct is to say, “Yes, because I’ve felt every one of those long, painful years,” I’d kindly ask you not to say so out loud. For the rest, thanks for being alongContinue reading “Four Years and Counting”

Hurting is Healthy…Right?

Ouch. I’m in training for another race. This time, it’s Philadelphia’s Broad Street Run, which takes participants along a brisk 10-mile course from the Logan neighborhood of North Philly all the way south to the Navy Yard on the banks of the Delaware. There are no turns: this race is literally along one of theContinue reading “Hurting is Healthy…Right?”

The Unbearable Weight of…Weight

A little less than a year ago, I wrote a post about my goal to transform my sad, flabby formless form into a taut and toned beach bod. Okay, maybe I was a little more realistic about my goals, but I was excited to put in the effort and see how my body would change. IContinue reading “The Unbearable Weight of…Weight”

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