Rethinking: Week One

This past Saturday, my wife and I returned to the King of Prussia Mall, and somehow, we survived. Frankly, it was a much better experience than usual, which isn’t all that hard, I suppose, considering the loathing I bear towards KoP. The difference? We came in with a plan, an agenda, and we pursued thatContinue reading “Rethinking: Week One”

Changing Things Up

Over the past four years, I’ve found the hardest part of writing this blog is not the writing itself, but rather deciding what to write about. It’s not for lack of trying. I have a document full of ideas that have come to me throughout the course of writing. Most of them have become fullyContinue reading “Changing Things Up”

Four Years and Counting

Holy shit. It’s been four years since I started writing this blog. Can you believe it? And for those of you whose first instinct is to say, “Yes, because I’ve felt every one of those long, painful years,” I’d kindly ask you not to say so out loud. For the rest, thanks for being alongContinue reading “Four Years and Counting”

The Answer Is 42

Well, it’s here. This week, I attain the magical age of 42, which according to scriptures means I’ll finally have the answer to life, the universe, and everything. The problem, of course, is that no one knows what the question is. I guess that comes later, because I have no fucking clue. What I doContinue reading “The Answer Is 42”

Feeling Like a Million

For anyone who’s been reading this blog over the last several years, you probably know my wife and I haven’t had the smoothest transition to Philadelphia. We moved mid-pandemic, and by the time the city opened back up, we were already settled into our insular lifestyle. Then my father died and my mom got veryContinue reading “Feeling Like a Million”

Taking Care of Yourself

If you’ve been reading this blog over the last couple weeks, it’s no surprise that things are a little rough right now. With mom still in the hospital, her recovery has taken prominence over just about everything else, and that means spending a lot of time in Florida—which means I’m also spending a lot ofContinue reading “Taking Care of Yourself”


I’m not one of those people who loves sleep. It’s more that I hate being tired. If I had my druthers, I’d rather go without sleep, so I could use those hours more productively. Well, use those hours, anyway. To paraphrase Lin-Manuel Miranda, why does it feel like I’m running out of time? If IContinue reading “Breathless”

Momma’s Boy

About a month ago, I was having what felt like the worst day. Thanks to my poor decision to stay up late two nights in a row, I woke up cranky and tired. Once upon a time, those late nights wouldn’t have touched me. Suffice it to say I’m not as young as I onceContinue reading “Momma’s Boy”

Run Frank Run III: The Rerun

I’m 40, and that means something. Yes, more and more people say things like “40 is the new 30!” or “Age is just a number!” or “I’m not old, you’re old! Shut up and go to hell!” But the longer I spend in this (over)ripening body, the more I come to realize that age isContinue reading “Run Frank Run III: The Rerun”

Coming “Home” Again

In August 2007, I took what felt like the biggest gamble in my life. After 25 years of living within 50 miles of Columbus, I packed my ABF U-Pack crate, loaded up my 1993 Ford Taurus, and moved roughly 540 miles west on I-70 in pursuit of my PhD in Theatre at the University ofContinue reading “Coming “Home” Again”

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