Hurting is Healthy…Right?

Ouch. I’m in training for another race. This time, it’s Philadelphia’s Broad Street Run, which takes participants along a brisk 10-mile course from the Logan neighborhood of North Philly all the way south to the Navy Yard on the banks of the Delaware. There are no turns: this race is literally along one of theContinue reading “Hurting is Healthy…Right?”

Second Time Around

Sometimes it’s hard to remember when I wasn’t this way. Somewhere along the way, I’ve become the kind of person who willingly gets up before the ass-crack of dawn, throws on a t-shirt and some flimsy shorts over undergarments tight as sausage casings, and drives from my hotel room to a waiting school bus, whichContinue reading “Second Time Around”

Taking Care of Yourself

If you’ve been reading this blog over the last couple weeks, it’s no surprise that things are a little rough right now. With mom still in the hospital, her recovery has taken prominence over just about everything else, and that means spending a lot of time in Florida—which means I’m also spending a lot ofContinue reading “Taking Care of Yourself”

Running Your Race

When my wife texted me about the Gritty 5K, I knew it was something we were going to do. As far as 5Ks go, this one had it all. Decent race route? Check. Ample free parking at the race site? Check. Good t-shirt swag? Check. All that and a free* ticket to a Flyers game?Continue reading Running Your Race

Run Frank Run III: The Rerun

I’m 40, and that means something. Yes, more and more people say things like “40 is the new 30!” or “Age is just a number!” or “I’m not old, you’re old! Shut up and go to hell!” But the longer I spend in this (over)ripening body, the more I come to realize that age isContinue reading “Run Frank Run III: The Rerun”

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