Looking Back From the Finish Line

I started writing this blog way back in 2020, just after the world shut down in response to COVID-19. It’s something, then, that as I sit here at the commencement the year 2024, this little hobby of mine is still going, er…strong. Yeah, I’ll go with strong. A lot’s happened over that time, as anyoneContinue reading “Looking Back From the Finish Line”

The Body Issues

It was only about two months ago that I wrote about how the stress of my time in Florida trying to shepherd my mom through her health journey was impacting my body. In short, it only took about four months of binge eating and inactivity to add 20 pounds to my frame while completely deconditioningContinue reading “The Body Issues”

The Unbearable Weight of…Weight

A little less than a year ago, I wrote a post about my goal to transform my sad, flabby formless form into a taut and toned beach bod. Okay, maybe I was a little more realistic about my goals, but I was excited to put in the effort and see how my body would change. IContinue reading “The Unbearable Weight of…Weight”

Run Frank Run III: The Rerun

I’m 40, and that means something. Yes, more and more people say things like “40 is the new 30!” or “Age is just a number!” or “I’m not old, you’re old! Shut up and go to hell!” But the longer I spend in this (over)ripening body, the more I come to realize that age isContinue reading “Run Frank Run III: The Rerun”

Sandy Toes; or, The Prints of Tides

Well, here I am. After a couple weeks of shirking my writing duties (aside from lask week’s screed against that devil road, the Pennsylvania turnpike), I’m back home, ready to settle into the familiar patterns of daily life after a whirlwind of travel and friendship. Well, that’s not entirely true. I’m not looking to fallContinue reading “Sandy Toes; or, The Prints of Tides”

How Nice is Too Nice?

I’ve been writing a lot about personal change lately. I’ve been thinking about how we determine where we are, assess what’s going right and what’s going wrong, and how I, at least, have gone about trying to make those in a way that’s both effective and sustainable. For the most part, those goals have beenContinue reading “How Nice is Too Nice?”

Beach Bod, Dad Bod, Killer Bod, Nice!

When it comes to fighting the blues, many psychologists and other mental health experts recommend, among other things, having something big to look forward to. Over time, I’ve found that to be sage advice. Take the trip to Disneyworld my wife and I took in late March 2018. I’d never been, and my wife’s onlyContinue reading “Beach Bod, Dad Bod, Killer Bod, Nice!”

New Year, (Kinda) New You!

Hi all…I hope you won’t mind, but after last week’s hard-wrung (and extremely long) post, I think I’m going to make this week’s entry a little shorter. I was expecting to feel sad over Dust Bunny’s passing, but that sadness took shapes I was not prepared for, and I find myself looking to regain myContinue reading “New Year, (Kinda) New You!”

Not This Week

So here’s the thing. This week I was planning on writing about rivalries, specifically football ones. I was going to talk about how rivalries develop, what they mean to those both inside and outside of the rivalry, and how they can be both a lot of fun and quite harmful. I was then going toContinue reading “Not This Week”

Another Kind of Anniversary

This week is my 52nd blog entry. For those of you with calendar blindness (a soon to be recognized medical condition), that would make this the final entry for my first year of this blog. Like so many others, I still find it hard to believe that an entire year has already passed, since the pastContinue reading “Another Kind of Anniversary”

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